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 Mike V (Mass Destructor)

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Mike D
Mike D

Nombre de messages : 254
Age : 28
Localisation : Ankara - TURKEY
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2007

Mike V (Mass Destructor) Empty
MessageSujet: Mike V (Mass Destructor)   Mike V (Mass Destructor) Icon_minitimeMar 15 Jan - 23:04

An iconic and driving member of the skateboarding boom, few names are more synonymous with skateboarding than Mike Vallely.

Vallely, or 'Mike V' as he's known to some, started skateboarding as a 14-year-old in 1984. Only two years later, Powell Peralta started sponsoring Vallely, and his career took off. In the summer of 1986, he became the NSA National Amateur Streetstyle Champion and appeared on the cover of Thrasher Magazine.

Vallely turned professional in 1987, and the next year Powell Peralta released his first pro model board. In 1989, Vallely helped form World Industries Skateboards, which revolutionized the skateboard industry.

As skateboarding hit mainstream in the 1990s, Vallely was with it every step, competing in the inaugural X-Games in 1995 and traveling to China in 1997 to do the first-ever professional skateboard demonstrations in that country. Etnies Footwear released Vallely's first signature skateboard shoe in 1998.
Vallely's been a staple on Tony Hawk's tours and video games for years.

Born June 29, 1970 in Edison, New Jersey
Board member of the Tony Hawk Foundation, which helps fund skateparks nationwide
Also sits on the board of the Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship, which funds college scholarships for skateboarders
Build Worldwide released the documentary film 'DRIVE' detailing Mike's career, passion for skateboarding and dedication to the skateboard community in 2002
Works with Mighty Ducks of Anaheim to promote hockey in Southern California
Once released a solo record with legendary Pittsburgh singer/songwriter Joe Grushecky
Currently a member of the band Revolution Mother
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